
Supporting & Creating Rainbows Since 2011

Frodo and Dilly Bar

Don’t you wanna know about the story behind Frodo and Dilly Bar? It all started on a coach bus. T and N were like “hey, lets meet the doggies!” We meet and it was love at first sight for Frodo and Dilly Bar. It was soooo romantic!

Frodo had a purple leash and Dilly had a blue leash. They kept getting together and pretty soon they had  a company: FDB bros, inc.! Dilly Bar is in her bed right now! Frodo just got groomed.

3 responses to “Frodo and Dilly Bar

  1. frodilly says:

    frodo likes to be groomed! he smells good!:)

  2. […] Now we have F, N, DB, J, B, C, M, K, S, B, and now E! My, my, FDB bros, inc. growing. It has grown from 4, to […]

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