
Supporting & Creating Rainbows Since 2011

Happy Gotcha Day!


8 years ago I met my dog and she had been amazing. I love you Dilly!!

ps we might be closing down frodilly blog and FDB bros, inc. for personal reasons. It’s complicated


Guess Why Dilly Bar is Happy…

Cuz T got 2nd in a spelling bee!


Sunday Snapshot {her birthday}

Her birthday started with a treat for breakfast. Not that exciting, but she’s a dog.
Then we went on a walk with Frodo & Sam. Thank you, Sam, for giving Dilly Bar a treat. She loved it.




She still has to open her gifts, but it was a good day spent with good friends. And it snowed!

Ni Hao Yall

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Miss Dilly’s Birthday!

Just so you know, today is her birthday. I will have more info later.

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Wow!! Almost 2013.
Crazy how time flies like a fly!

Someone is excited about the new year. The same someone’s birthday is also in 5 days!!

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December, 2012 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

1 Eat a Red Apple Day

1 World Aids Awareness Day

2 National Fritters Day

3 National Roof over Your Head Day

4 Santas’ List Day – we hope you are on the “Nice” list

4 Wear Brown Shoes Day

5 Bathtub Party Day

5 Repeal Day – The 21st Amendment ends Prohibition. I’ll drink to that!

6 St. Nicholas Day

6 Mitten Tree Day

6 Put on your own Shoes Day

7 International Civil Aviation Day

7 Letter Writing Day

7 National Cotton Candy Day – would you like some fairy floss?

7 Pearl Harbor Day

8 National Brownie Day

8 Take it in the Ear Day

9 Christmas Card Day

9 International Children’s Day – Second Sunday in December

9 National Pastry Day

10 Human Rights Day

11 National Noodle Ring Day

12 National Ding-a-Ling Day

12 Poinsettia Day

13 Ice Cream Day

13 Violin Day

14 National Bouillabaisse Day

15 Bill of Rights Day

15 National Lemon Cupcake Day

16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

17 National Maple Syrup Day

18 Bake Cookies Day

18 National Roast Suckling Pig Day

19 Look for an Evergreen Day

19 Oatmeal Muffin Day

20 Go Caroling Day

21 Mayan Calendar Ends – is it the end of Humanity!?

21 Forefather’s Day

21 Humbug Day

21 National Flashlight Day

21 Look on the Bright Side Day

22 National Date Nut Bread Day – or September 8!?

23 Festivus – for the rest of us

23 Roots Day

24 National Chocolate Day

24 National Egg Nog Day

25 Christmas Day

25 National Pumpkin Pie Day for recipes see Pumpkin Nook ‘s Cookbook

26 Boxing Day

27 Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day

27 National Fruitcake Day

28 Card Playing Day

29 Pepper Pot Day

30 National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

31 Make Up Your Mind Day

31 New Year’s Eve

31 Unlucky Day

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Merry Christmas!

Hope your day is great!
-The staff @ FDB bros, inc.

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Happy Thanksgiving: We certainly have a lot to be thankful for!

Do any of you have big plans for the holiday?
What are you thankful for?
Enjoy the rest of your day watching the Macy’s parade, NFL, eating turkey, and spending quality time with your family.

Wild Olive

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Her bday looked a little something like this…

iPhone+Surprise trip to Disney World=Best Birthday Ever

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N’s Bday was today

Happy birthday to our amazing boss, N! FDB bros would not exist if not for her. She is so amazing and is great at making anyonesmilie. Today she one year older.Thank you, N, such being such an awesome friend.

❤ T